Gavilon Grain

Cozad, NE

This project was an equipment upgrade for grain receiving, rail loadout, and dust collection. This project was an equipment upgrade for this facility. Grain receiving, rail loadout, and dust collection were all upgraded. Four (4) Tramco drag conveyors were installed to receive grain from the receiving legs to discharge into the annex bins. HABCO spouting connected these conveyors to the receiving legs. An Intersystems gravity screener was installed on the elevator roof to be fed from the receiving leg by a Tramco drag conveyor. A high speed HiRoller enclosed belt conveyor was installed under the annex bins to be reclaimed to receiving legs. New HABCO rack & pinion flow control gates were also installed between annex bins and the belt conveyor. A 60,000 bph Intersystems bulkweigher on a Habco structure can be gravity fed from (4) legs simultaneously . With the bulkweigher was an Intersystems sampler and a HABCO exclusive hydraulically actuated telescoping rail load out spout. The dust system for this facility was replaced with a new Airlanco low pressure dust filter. Swing baffles in the truck dump pit were added for air control as well as air pickups to both new and existing equipment inside the elevator.